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German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce

Registration number: 1500496001

Managing Board Member: Tobias Baumann - AHK Azerbaijan
Chairman of the Board of AHK Azerbaijan: Anar Hasanov - Yelo Bank OJSC

Responsible editor: Aynur Vahabova
Tel.: +994 (12) 497 63 06/07
E- Mail: aynur.vahabova(at)

Design, conception and technical implementation:
Consulting Piezunka & Schamoni - Information Technologies GmbH (Limited Liability Company )
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 | Gebäude 13/5
13355 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 2009549-0
E- Mail: info(at)

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© Copyright 2023 German-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce